Sports Medicine Centre

The Sports Medicine Centre of Excellence has been the go-to clinic to assess and treat sports and exercise injuries for the past 8 years. The clinic has a sports medicine physician and physiotherapists who specialize in treating active people using the latest research and technologies. We also have expertise in treating chronic tendon issues and osteoarthritis. Our goal is to work collaboratively to allow our patients to return to their sport or activity as quickly and safely as possible while reducing the risk of re-injury.



State of the art Running Gait Analysis: A full assessment of your movement strategies both on the treadmill with video analysis and off with functional testing. We will also use our VALD Performance ForceFrame technology to test individual strength of running specific muscles.  Our physiotherapists will combine this data with their years of experience of treating runners to give you a detailed analysis. Together we will create a customized plan to address any underlying muscle weaknesses or running techniques that may be holding you back from achieving your goals!


In a recent study (click here to view) it was found that a group who underwent running gait retraining had a 62% lower injury risk over the following year in comparison to a control group.  If you train more consistently without injuries it will give you a better chance of accomplishing your goal.


Injury or not, addressing your technique when running has huge benefits for preventing injuries in the future. Let us help you stay injury free!


*Running Gait Analysis sessions are offered by our Registered Physiotherapists and therefore covered by most extended health insurance plans. To schedule a session, give the clinic a call and begin with the Physiotherapist of your choice. Check out their bios here.

Areas of


  • Returning athletes back to sport after injury
  • Recent injuries (muscle strains, ligament sprains, bone injury)
  • Sports concussion evaluation and management
  • Chronic tendon issues
  • Treatment of osteoarthritis



If you have been injured recently, call us to get an expedited appointment to get you on the path to recovery.

Click here for contact information.

Located in Newmarket Ontario, we are here to service individuals in the communities of Newmarket, Aurora, Vaughan and surrounded areas.

Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation


Sports medicine treats and prevents the injuries that occur from participation in sport and physical activity. A person with an injury will be given treatment options and guidance on how to stay active while their injury is being treated. Staying active enables the person with the injury to return to their desired level of activity sooner.


Learn more about our expertise in restoring movement and function to those disabled by disease or injury.